Material Health

Art & Science

Our approach

Concepts in Wellness, LLC, is focused on the chemical ingredients in building materials
(referred to as the “Materials” category in building certifications), which is quickly becoming one of the more important aspects of Materials selection. We provide real estate investors and their architectural and engineering consultants with the resources they need to address chemicals of concern through advisory services as well as improving the connection between the Design Industry, Scientists, and Government Agencies involved in chemical research.

Our goal is to reduce the risk to real estate investors who
proactively address chemicals in their buildings. 

The challenge of our generation

is that the health impacts of chemicals in building materials continue, while real estate professionals work to surmount the high hurdle of understanding the scientific basis of environmental regulations around chemicals indoors. The complexity and associated risks tend to cause hesitation. CIW hopes to support our clients’ efforts and streamline the process of addressing chemicals indoors.

The good news

is that the design industry has developed successful frameworks of solutions: databases of chemicals and building certifications, which have rapidly increased awareness and made addressing chemicals actionable without the need for regulatory guidance.

The key is in partnerships

between the scientific research and real estate communities.

Scientists, Materials Scientists and Chemists, have the expertise to provide an understanding of chemicals and their health impacts.

Property Managers, Architects and Engineers design and maintain buildings daily. As the Applied Sciences, they are ideal partners in recognizing the value of Materials Science and diagnosing chemical issues in buildings.

Our Services

  • Risk Management

    The fastest way to increase the adoption of Materials Programs that address chemicals is to remove roadblocks for clients…CIW creates tools and services that help clients add the chemicals component to their Materials Specifications.

  • Courses

    Explore courses related to chemicals in building materials, such as market structure and available resources, materials science, and government research and regulation, to name a few.

  • Research Projects

    CIW supports research in chemicals that impact health. Review research by the organizations we support. Join us in a project. Become a peer reviewer.

“Science is vitally important when it is harnessed to reveal the law of human life.
In order to accept the importance of science, we must prove that this activity is useful.

Scientists usually demonstrate that they are doing something and that maybe sometime, someday, this could be useful for people in the future. ”

— Blaise Pascal